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Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Murphy, TX

Better, More Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment

Our team is dedicated to helping our patients keep their smiles healthy for the long term, and we accomplish this goal by improving our ability to diagnose and treat issues as they pop up. When it comes to technology, Murphy Dental Home only uses equipment that has been proven to enhance the patient experience. Read on to learn about the special services and technology that we offer. If you have questions, feel free to contact us!

TMJ/TMD Therapy

X-Ray of jaw and skull bone on tablet computer

Are some teeth wearing down more quickly than others? Do you have frequent jaw pain or headaches in the morning? Do you grind or clench your teeth while you sleep? You may have a condition called bruxism and have a problem with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The good news is that Dr. Gandhi can diagnose and treat these problems, often with a simple splint that keeps your teeth from touching during sleep.

Holistic & Biologic Dentistry

Smiling, happy woman wearing white sweater

Holistic dentistry, also known as biologic dentistry, is an approach to oral healthcare that goes beyond the mouth. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Gandhi and our team are concerned, not just with a patient’s teeth and gums, but with their overall wellness. To that end, we strive to use conservative treatments that will not lead to negative consequences down the road. For example, we use non-toxic materials and offer advanced services that you might not find at other practices, such as Bioclear and ozone therapy.

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Ozone Therapy

Blue image showing molecule used in ozone therapy

If your gums or teeth develop an infection, Dr. Gandhi may recommend ozone therapy as part of your treatment plan. Ozone is a gas that consists of oxygen atoms, which are bound together in groups of three. It creates a chemical reaction that kills harmful bacteria, making it invaluable when it comes to treating infections and helping patients heal as quickly as possible. Ozone therapy is completely noninvasive and very safe to use when it is administered by a trained professional.

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Intraoral Camera

Dentist capturing intraoral images

Even with a traditional handheld mirror, there are parts of the mouth that are difficult to see clearly. That’s where a Dexis intraoral camera comes in. This small device is inserted into the mouth and captures clear images, which we display on large chairside TVs. Dr. Gandhi is then able to give you a more accurate diagnosis and show you exactly what the issue is. As a result, you can more easily understand your oral health and make more informed decisions about treatment.

Cone Beam 3D Scanner

Our cone beam scanner allows our team to take our diagnostics and treatment planning to the next level because it creates a detailed 3D image of a patient’s dental anatomy. It not only shows us both rows of teeth all at once (which isn’t possible with regular X-rays), but also the jawbones, structure of the upper airway, and more. This gives Dr. Gandhi a ton of useful information when evaluating a patient for more complicated procedures, such as dental implant placement or root canal treatment.

Medit i700 Intraoral Scanner

This sleek device enables us to quickly and easily take a digital impression of a patient’s teeth, which is much faster and more comfortable than the old way that involved the patient biting into a mold filled with dental putty. In a matter of minutes, we can create a highly accurate model of the bite that we can use to plan treatments or design restorations so they are guaranteed to deliver a positive and lasting result. Thanks to this instrument, there is no mess, no gagging, and no time-wasting retakes!

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